
Sizing utility classes are available for width and height. Classes are named using the the format: env-{property}--{size}

Valid values for property

  • w for width
  • h for height

Valid values for size (%)

  • 25
  • 50
  • 75
  • 100

Examples width

<div class="example-sizing">
   <div class="env-w--25 env-p-around--x-small env-m-bottom--small">25%</div>
   <div class="env-w--50 env-p-around--x-small env-m-bottom--small">50%</div>
   <div class="env-w--75 env-p-around--x-small env-m-bottom--small">75%</div>
   <div class="env-w--100 env-p-around--x-small">100%</div>

Examples height

<div class="example-sizing-h">
      class="env-h--25 env-p-around--x-small env-m-right--small env-d--inline-block"
      class="env-h--50 env-p-around--x-small env-m-right--small env-d--inline-block"
      class="env-h--75 env-p-around--x-small env-m-right--small env-d--inline-block"
   <div class="env-h--100 env-p-around--x-small env-d--inline-block">100%</div>

Utility classes are also available for max-width:100% and max-height:100% and are named using the format: env-m{property}--100

Valid values for property

  • w for width
  • h for height

Envision documentation