Image viewer 2

Since 2023.07.01

Image viewer 2 is an accessible, configurable component providing options for showing an image slideshow and/or a lightbox viewer with navigation between images.

Örebro Castle
Karlslund Manor House
Highland cattle at Oset outside Örebro

Features include

  • Buttons for displaying the previous and next slides.
  • Button for stopping and restarting rotation.
  • Keyboard navigation support.
  • Aria-live announcement for image changes.
  • Optional automatic rotation, always disabled for users who prefers reduced motion.
  • Optional download button in lightbox.
  • Optional placement of slideshow buttons.


Use attribute data-zoom on one or more links inside the element being initialized from script. The lightbox opens with navigation arrows to switch between images. The link href:s should point to a large version of the image being shown.

   class="example-imageviewer2-images env-text env-flex env-flex--justify-content-around"
   <a href="/placeholders/originals/03.webp" data-zoom>
      <img loading="lazy" src="/placeholders/225x100/03.webp" alt="Grass" />
   <a href="/placeholders/originals/04.webp" data-zoom>
      <img loading="lazy" src="/placeholders/225x100/04.webp" alt="Fern" />
   <a href="/placeholders/originals/08.webp" data-zoom>
      <img loading="lazy" src="/placeholders/225x100/08.webp" alt="Snail" />
   <a href="/placeholders/originals/09.webp" data-zoom>
      <img loading="lazy" src="/placeholders/225x100/09.webp" alt="Dandelion" />


   aria-label="Photos from Örebro"
   <figure data-href="/placeholders/originals/10.webp" data-zoom>
      <img src="/placeholders/900x400/10.webp" alt="" />
      <figcaption class="env-image-viewer-2__viewer__caption">
         Örebro Castle
   <figure data-href="/placeholders/originals/05.webp" data-zoom>
      <img src="/placeholders/900x400/05.webp" alt="" />
      <figcaption class="env-image-viewer-2__viewer__caption">
         Karlslund Manor House
   <figure data-href="/placeholders/originals/02.webp" data-zoom>
      <img src="/placeholders/900x400/02.webp" alt="" />
      <figcaption class="env-image-viewer-2__viewer__caption">
         Highland cattle at Oset outside Örebro
envision.imageViewer2(document.querySelector('#example-imageviewer2-2'), {
   slides: {
      auto: 3000,
      playing: false,
      overlay: false,
      buttons: {
         type: 'secondary',
         size: 'slim',

Slideshow markup

  • All immediate child elements of the container will be included in slideshow.
  • The container used for initialization should have an aria-label attribute.
<section aria-label="Slideshow label">
   <img src="example-1.webp" alt="Image description">
   <img src="example-2.webp" alt="Image description">


Add attribute data-zoom to activate zoom/lightbox. Add URL to larger images in data-href.

<section aria-label="Slideshow label">
   <img src="example-1.webp" alt="Image description" data-href="example-1-large.webp" data-zoom>
   <img src="example-2.webp" alt="Image description" data-href="example-2-large.webp" data-zoom>

Optionally wrap the image in a link pointing to the larger image. The href attribute will be used for zoom and data-zoom should be added to the link, not the image.

<section aria-label="Slideshow label">
   <a href="example-1-large.webp" data-zoom>
      <img src="example-1.webp" alt="Image description">
   <a href="example-2-large.webp" data-zoom>
      <img src="example-2.webp" alt="Image description">


Wrap the images in a figure tag and add a figcaption with class env-image-viewer-2__viewer__caption.

<section aria-label="Slideshow label">
      <img src="example-1.webp" alt="">
      <figcaption class="env-image-viewer-2__viewer__caption">Image 1 caption</figcaption>
      <img src="example-2.webp" alt="">
      <figcaption class="env-image-viewer-2__viewer__caption">Image 2 caption</figcaption>

Zoom and caption

Combine zoom and captions using data attributes or links:

<section aria-label="Slideshow label">
   <figure data-href="example-1-large.webp" data-zoom>
      <img src="example-1.webp" alt="">
      <figcaption class="env-image-viewer-2__viewer__caption">Image 1 caption</figcaption>
   <a href="example-2-large.webp" data-zoom>
      <img src="example-2.webp" alt="">
      <div class="env-image-viewer-2__viewer__caption">Image 2 caption</div>


// Default options
   slides: false,
   buttons: {
      download: true,
      showText: false,
   i18n: 'sv',

// Default slides options if set to true
   auto: 0,
   speed: 300,
   draggable: true,
   playing: false,
   overlay: true,
   buttons: {
      type: null,
      ghost: false,
      size: null,
  • buttons { download, showText }

    • Lightbox button options. Show/hide download button. Visible text in close/download buttons.
    • Default values: { download: true, showText: false }
  • i18n 'sv' | 'en' | 'no' | { language keys }

    • Translation of buttons aria-label and aria-roledescription. Use predefined strings (swedish, english or norwegian) or write your own translation. Default is 'sv'.
    • Available language keys: roledescription, prev, next, pause, play, slideshow, zoom, largeImage, close, download, image, of
  • slides boolean | { options object }

    • Initialize a slideshow with default or custom options
    • Default value: false

Slides options object

  • auto number

    • Auto rotation possible, play button visible. Number is interval in ms.
    • Default value: 0 (auto rotation not available)
  • speed number

    • Slide speed in ms.
    • Default value: 300
  • draggable boolean

    • Slides listen to mouse drag events in addition to touch events.
    • Default value: true
  • playing boolean

    • If auto is set to > 0, this will start auto rotation automatically.
    • Default value: false
  • overlay boolean

    • Control buttons and caption should overlay the slides.
    • Default value: true
  • buttons { size, type, ghost }

    • Control button appearance.
    • Allowed value for type: Any Element color name in lowercase.
    • Allowed value for size: Any Button size name in lowercase.
    • Allowed value for ghost: true/false

API functions

Instances of Image viewer 2 may be controlled by the methods described below.

envision.imageViewer2('#image-viewer').then(function (imageViewers) {


  • slider.pause()

    • Pause slider automatic rotation.

    • Start slider automatic rotation if available.

    • Show next image.
  • slider.prev()

    • Show previous image.
  • slider.goTo(index, speed)

    • Set slider to image at position index. Use speed to control how fast image is shown.
  • slider.getPos()

    • Get index for current image.



    • Show lightbox starting at index. Defaults to index 0.
  • lightbox.close()

    • Close the lightbox.

Legacy documentation

Image Viewer 2 is a replacement for the following, which are deprecated since 2023.07.1: