
Cards & Cardholders

Use Cards to display information about, for example, a page, a group or a user.

A Card is a simple container that may have a header and a footer. A Card has no colors or shadows of its own. To add colors and shadows you may instead combine the env-block and env-shadow classes.

If used inside a Cardholder (see further down this page) the Card will stretch its width and height to make a nice aligned grid of cards.


<div class="example-demo-dark">
      class="example-card env-card env-ui-section env-border env-shadow-small"
      <div class="env-card__header">
         <h2 class="env-ui-text-subheading">Lorem Ipsumsson</h2>
      <div class="env-card__body">
         <p class="env-ui-text-caption">Web Developer</p>
         <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
            <a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary"></a>
         <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
            <a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary">012-345 67 89</a>
      <div class="env-card__footer">
         <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
            <a href="#" class="env-link">Contact</a>

      class="example-card env-card env-block-primary env-block-primary--border env-shadow-small"
      <div class="env-card__body">
            class="env-card__image env-profile-image env-profile-image--small"
            alt="Example profile image"
         <h2 class="env-ui-text-subheading">Lorem Ipsumsson</h2>
         <p class="env-ui-text-caption">Job Title</p>
         <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
            <a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary"></a>
         <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
            <a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary">012-345 67 89</a>

      class="example-card env-card  env-block-secondary env-block-secondary--border env-shadow-small"
      <div class="env-card__header">
         <div class="env-media env-media--center">
            <div class="env-media__figure">
               <a href="#">
                     class="env-profile-image env-profile-image--small"
                     alt="Example profile image"
            <div class="env-media__body env-text--small">
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">Open group &bull; 29 members</p>
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">Latest activity 3 hours ago</p>

         <h2 class="env-ui-text-subheading">Lorem ipsum dolor</h2>
      <div class="env-card__body">
         <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent
            eget lobortis dui, in accumsan augue.
      <div class="env-card__footer env-text--small">
         <a href="#" type="button" class="env-button env-button--link">
            <svg class="env-icon env-icon--small env-m-right--xx-small">

Card anatomy

A Card may have a header, a body and a footer: .env-card__header, .env-card__body, .env-card__footer.

No matter HTML source order, header will always display first and footer last. The footer will always stick to the bottom of the Card. Inside a Cardholder, if the Card needs to stretch vertically, the body of the Card will be the element that stretches.

<div class="example-demo-dark">
   <div class="example-card-parts env-card env-block env-shadow-small">
      <div class="env-card__header">Header</div>
      <div class="env-card__body">Body</div>
      <div class="env-card__footer">Footer</div>


A Cardholder will use flexbox to make a grid of Cards that adapt to the given space. Use one env-cardholder__slot to hold each Card. See configuration options below.

<div class="example-demo-dark">
   <div class="env-cardholder env-cardholder--3">
      <div class="env-cardholder__slot">
         <div class="env-card env-block env-shadow-small">
            <div class="env-card__body">
                  class="env-card__image env-profile-image env-profile-image--small"
                  alt="Example profile image"
               <h2 class="env-ui-text-subheading">Lorem Ipsumsson</h2>
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">Utvecklare</p>
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
                  <a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary"
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
                  <a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary"
                     >012-345 67 89</a
      <div class="env-cardholder__slot">
         <div class="env-card env-block env-shadow-small">
            <div class="env-card__body">
                  class="env-card__image env-profile-image env-profile-image--small"
                  alt="Example profile image"
               <h2 class="env-ui-text-subheading">Lorem Ipsumsson</h2>
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
                  <a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary"
                     >012-345 67 89</a
      <div class="env-cardholder__slot">
         <div class="env-card env-block env-shadow-small">
            <div class="env-card__body">
                  class="env-card__image env-profile-image env-profile-image--small"
                  alt="Example profile image"
               <h2 class="env-ui-text-subheading">Lorem Ipsumsson</h2>
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">Utvecklare</p>
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
                  <a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary"
                     >012-345 67 89</a
      <div class="env-cardholder__slot">
         <div class="env-card env-block env-shadow-small">
            <div class="env-card__body">
                  class="env-card__image env-profile-image env-profile-image--small"
                  alt="Example profile image"
               <h2 class="env-ui-text-subheading">Lorem Ipsumsson</h2>
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">Utvecklare</p>
      <div class="env-cardholder__slot">
         <div class="env-card env-block env-shadow-small">
            <div class="env-card__body">
                  class="env-card__image env-profile-image env-profile-image--small"
                  alt="Example profile image"
               <h2 class="env-ui-text-subheading">Lorem Ipsumsson</h2>
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">Utvecklare</p>
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
                  <a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary"

Cardholder examples

There are several modifiers for the Cardholder that controls the Cardholder slots:

.env-cardholder--N - where N is a number that controls how many slots the Cardholder can display at most in one row. Possible values for N are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8.

.env-cardholder--max - By default, slots have no max width. This modifier sets a max width. Slots will be centered in the last row and may not align to the columns. On small screens, the slots may not fill the entire screen width.

.env-cardholder--start - Must be combined with .env-cardholder--max. Will align slots to the left.

To control the size and spacing of the columns there are three CSS variables that may be set:

.your-cardholder-container {
   min-width is used to control when column count breakpoints occur.
   max-width is only used when modifier env-cardholder--max is set.
   --env-cardholder-column-min-width: 240px;
   --env-cardholder-column-max-width: 400px;
   --env-cardholder-column-spacing: var(--env-spacing-medium);

Below are a few examples that you may resize and see how the columns adapt to the given space.

Three columns


Five columns


Five columns, slot max width


Five columns, slot max width, aligned left


Cardholder Grid

Cardholder Grid uses CSS Grid. Cardholder slots are not required. Columns will always be equal width and aligned.

<div class="example-demo-dark">
   <div class="env-cardholder-grid">

         <div class="env-card env-block env-shadow-small">
            <div class="env-card__body">
                  class="env-card__image env-profile-image env-profile-image--small"
                  alt="Example profile image"
               <h2 class="env-ui-text-subheading">
                  Lorem Ipsumsson
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
                  <a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary"
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
                  <a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary"
                     >012-345 67 89</a

         <div class="env-card env-block env-shadow-small">
            <div class="env-card__body">
                  class="env-card__image env-profile-image env-profile-image--small"
                  alt="Example profile image"
               <h2 class="env-ui-text-subheading">
                  Lorem Ipsumsson
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
                  <a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary"
                     >012-345 67 89</a

         <div class="env-card env-block env-shadow-small">
            <div class="env-card__body">
                  class="env-card__image env-profile-image env-profile-image--small"
                  alt="Example profile image"
               <h2 class="env-ui-text-subheading">
                  Lorem Ipsumsson
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
               <p class="env-ui-text-caption">
                  <a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary"
                     >012-345 67 89</a


Cardholder Grid examples

There are several modifiers for the Cardholder Grid that controls the Cardholder columns and gaps:

.env-cardholder-grid--N - where N is a number that controls how many slots the Cardholder will display at most in one row. Possible values for N are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8.

.env-cardholder-grid--column-large - Larger columns (×1.25)

.env-cardholder-grid--column-small - Smaller columns (×0.75)

.env-cardholder-grid--gap-large - Larger column gap (×2)

.env-cardholder-grid--gap-small - Smaller column gap (×0.5)

.env-cardholder-grid--gap-none - No column gap

To further adjust the size and spacing of the columns there are two CSS variables that may be set:

.your-cardholder-grid-container {
   column-width is used to auto fit columns.
   --env-cardholder-grid-column-width: 20em;
   --env-cardholder-grid-gap: var(--env-spacing-medium);

Below are a few examples that you may resize and see how the columns adapt to the given space.

Default Cardholder Grid


Six columns


Small column width


Large column width


Large column gap


Small column gap


No column gap


Combined modifiers

Small column width, large column gap, 8 columns max