Content textSince 2025.01.1

Text is designed to be used for content text. It is a versatile and flexible set of site fonts that can be used for a wide range of purposes, from body text to headings and image captions.

Text is divided into different sets, each with its own unique style and purpose.

<div class="example-content-text-demo">
   <h2 class="env-text-heading-01">Heading</h2>
   <h2 class="env-text-display-01">Display</h2>
   <p class="env-text-summary-01">Summary</p>
   <p class="env-text-body-01">Body</p>
   <p class="env-text-caption-01">Image Caption</p>
   <p class="env-text-quotation-01">Quotation</p>
   <p class="env-text-caption-01">Table Caption</p>
   <p class="env-text-table-data-01">Table</p>


Variants of a text style are named 01, 02, 03, etc.

For headings there is no need to assign a certain variant number to the HTML <H{n}> element with the same number. Look at the variant numbers as a size and style indicator rather than a specific element type.

When designing a website you may for example choose to use the 02 variant as a default size for an <H1> element and then use the 01 variant for specific cases where you might want to display a larger heading.

Heading style sets

The Heading and Display style sets are used for titles and headings. There are six and three different heading styles available respectively.

<div class="example-content-text-demo">
   <h1 class="env-text-heading-01">Heading / 01</h1>
   <h2 class="env-text-heading-02">Heading / 02</h2>
   <h3 class="env-text-heading-03">Heading / 03</h3>
   <h4 class="env-text-heading-04">Heading / 04</h4>
   <h5 class="env-text-heading-05">Heading / 05</h5>
   <h6 class="env-text-heading-06">Heading / 06</h6>
   <h1 class="env-text-display-01">Display / 01</h1>
   <h2 class="env-text-display-02">Display / 02</h2>
   <h3 class="env-text-display-03">Display / 03</h3>

Body text style sets

The Body, Summary, Quotation and Table style sets are used for different types of body text.

<div class="example-content-text-demo">
   <p class="env-text-summary-01">Summary / 01</p>
   <p class="env-text-body-01">Body / 01</p>
   <p class="env-text-body-02">Body / 02</p>
   <p class="env-text-body-03">Body / 03</p>
   <p class="env-text-body-04">Body / 04</p>
   <p class="env-text-quotation-01">Quotation / 01</p>
   <p class="env-text-quotation-02">Quotation / 02</p>

Specialized text style sets

For image captions and table text there are specialized styles available.

   <img src="/placeholders/225x100/10.webp" alt="Example image" />
   <figcaption class="env-text-caption-01">Caption / 01</figcaption>

When using the env-table component, the table text styles will be used by default, no further classes are needed.

<table class="env-table">
      Envision table
         <td>John Doe</td>
         <td>Jane Doe</td>

For other tables, the table text styles can be used by adding the Table text style classes to the appropriate table elements.

<table class="example-table">
   <caption class="env-text-table-caption-01">
      Custom table using Table text style
         <th class="env-text-table-heading-01">Name</th>
         <th class="env-text-table-heading-01">Username</th>
         <th class="env-text-table-heading-01">Email</th>
         <td class="env-text-table-data-01">John Doe</td>
         <td class="env-text-table-data-01">johdoe</td>
         <td class="env-text-table-data-01"></td>
         <td class="env-text-table-data-01">Jane Doe</td>
         <td class="env-text-table-data-01">jandoe</td>
         <td class="env-text-table-data-01"></td>


All variants of a font will have its own set of variables that can be used to style the text. Below is a list of the variables.

  • --env-text-{name}-font-family
  • --env-text-{name}-font-size
  • --env-text-{name}-font-weight
  • --env-text-{name}-font-style
  • --env-text-{name}-line-height
  • --env-text-{name}-text-transform
  • --env-text-{name}-letter-spacing
  • --env-text-{name}-font-color
  • --env-text-{name}-margin-block-start
  • --env-text-{name}-margin-block-end

Possible values for {name}: heading-01, heading-02, heading-03, heading-04, heading-05, heading-06, display-01, display-02, display-03, summary-01, body-01, body-02, body-03, body-04, caption-01,quotation-01, quotation-02, table-caption-01, table-heading-01, table-data-01.


The heading styles (Heading and Display) will in the default settings use the toned down styling similar to «secondary links».

Body, summary, Quotation and Table will all use the «default link styling» as default.

<h2 class="env-text-heading-01">
   <a href="javascript:void(0)">Link in Heading / 01</a>
<p class="env-text-summary-01">
   And here is a <a href="javascript:void(0)">link in Summary / 01</a>.

Link color and underline may be adjusted as fit for each style in a set using the following classes where name is the name of the font style:

  • --env-text-{name}-link-font-color
  • --env-text-{name}-link-text-decoration
  • --env-text-{name}-link-hover-font-color
  • --env-text-{name}-link-hover-text-decoration


Here is a link to an example article that uses many of the above the text styles.

Envision documentation