Envision for Dashboard Widgets


Envision for Dashboard Widgets is an extension to Envision that should be used when creating Sitevision Dashboard Widgets.

The Sitevision dashboard uses a supplied custom Envision theme as a base.

Additional CSS variables, class names and components for building widgets are available as described in this page.

Designing a Dashboard Widget

Use Envision components when possible.

When using custom CSS for styling, all colors should use Envision and Dashboard variables. Other colors and hard coded color values should be avoided.


Most dashboard widgets should be placed inside a wrapper element with class env-dashboard-widget. This will set the correct background, borders and more for the widget. The wrapper does not set a padding.

Simple widget

<section class="env-dashboard-widget">
   <!-- widget content --->

Widget sizes

There are four available sizes for a widget. The developer may decide which size or sizes a widget should support. The selected available sizes will be available as a user setting when the widget is added to a dashboard.

The widgets will be placed in a grid with four columns. Depending on the available screen size and the selected widget size, a widget may use between one and four columns.

A small widget will never use more than one column. An extra large widget will use as many as available. A small widget will not vary much in size, but a large widget may use anything between 250 and 1440 pixels width.

Widget size table

Widget Columns Sizes (px)
Small 1 250–342
Medium 1–2 250–708
Large 1–3 250–1074
Extra Large 1–4 250–1440

Responsive widgets

Some widgets may need to use a responsive design to fit different widths. Media queries should not be used since the width of the widget may not be relative to the viewport width. To make adaptions for different widget sizes, use CSS container queries.

The grid column container where the app will be displayed is a containment context named dashboard-widget.

Responsive widget example

Responsive example widget


Resize this widget

<section class="env-dashboard-widget example-responsive-widget">
   <h2 class="env-ui-text-sectionheading">
      Responsive example widget
   <p class="env-ui-text-kpi-number">96%</p>
@container dashboard-widget (max-width: 449px) {
   .example-responsive-widget .env-ui-text-kpi-number {
      font-size: var(--env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-size-small);
      color: var(--env-dashboard-color-pink-50);

@container dashboard-widget (min-width: 580px) {
   .example-responsive-widget .env-ui-text-kpi-number {
      font-size: var(--env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-size-large);
      color: var(--env-dashboard-color-light-blue-90);


The widget theme uses Inter font family which has support for nine different weights 100-900. Other font familes should in most cases not be used.

Thin 100 — The quick brown fox jumps … 123456789

Extra Light 200 — The quick brown fox jumps … 123456789

Light 300 — The quick brown fox jumps … 123456789

Normal 400 — The quick brown fox jumps … 123456789

Medium 500 — The quick brown fox jumps … 123456789

Semi Bold 600 — The quick brown fox jumps … 123456789

Bold 700 — The quick brown fox jumps … 123456789

Extra Bold 800 — The quick brown fox jumps … 123456789

Black 900 — The quick brown fox jumps … 123456789

/* Available weights 100–900 */
.example-fw-100 {
   font-weight: 100;


Widgets should use UI Text for headings.

<p class="env-ui-text-overline">Overline</p>
<h1 class="env-ui-text-heading">Heading</h1>
<h2 class="env-ui-text-sectionheading">Section heading</h2>
<h3 class="env-ui-text-subheading">Subheading</h3>
<p class="env-ui-text-caption">Caption / description</p>

Values and labels

Additional styles only availble in widgets should be used for labels and values in charts and similar.

<p class="env-ui-text-label">Axis label / Label</p>
<p class="env-ui-text-value">Axis value / Legend</p>

Key performance indicators

For displaying key performance indicators you should use the env-ui-text-kpi-number class. Set different sizes using CSS variables --env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-size-{x}.

<span class="env-ui-text-kpi-number example-kpi-x-small">96%</span>
<span class="env-ui-text-kpi-number example-kpi-small">96%</span>
<span class="env-ui-text-kpi-number">96%</span>
<span class="env-ui-text-kpi-number example-kpi-large">96%</span>
<span class="env-ui-text-kpi-number example-kpi-x-large">96%</span>
.example-kpi-x-small {
   font-size: var(--env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-size-x-small);

.example-kpi-small {
   font-size: var(--env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-size-small);

.example-kpi-large {
   font-size: var(--env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-size-large);

.example-kpi-x-large {
   font-size: var(--env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-size-x-large);

Dynamic font size in widgets

Widgets already has a containment context which makes them dynamic font containers by default. Therefore the dynamic font container is not required.

Here is an overview of how different size widgets will change size at different Dashboard grid sizes. The dashboard grid adapts between 1–4 columns depending on available screen space.

Widget 1 column 2 columns 3 columns 4 columns
Small 250–342 250–342 250–342 250–342
Medium 250–523 524–708 534–708 524–708
Large 250–523 524-812 813-1071 798–1074
Extra Large 250–523 524-812 813-1071 1072–1440

There are additional widget specific boundaries available for Dynamic fonts. Regular boundaries are documented on the Dynamic font size page. Boundaries are set using modifier classes env-dynamic-font--from-{value} and env-dynamic-font--to-{value}.

Additional boundaries for from values: 524, 813, 1072

Additional boundaries for to values: 342, 523, 708, 812, 1071, 1440


If a value has changed for the better, the worse or is unchanged it may be displayed using one of the widget specific badges availble.

<span class="env-badge env-badge--negative">
   <svg class="env-icon env-icon--xx-small">
      <use href="/sitevision/envision-icons.svg#icon-arrow-fill-down"></use>
   Down 18%

<span class="env-badge env-badge--unchanged">
   <svg class="env-icon env-icon--xx-small">
      <use href="/sitevision/envision-icons.svg#icon-arrow-fill-right"></use>
   No change

<span class="env-badge env-badge--positive">
   <svg class="env-icon env-icon--xx-small">
      <use href="/sitevision/envision-icons.svg#icon-arrow-fill-up"></use>
   Up 18%


Widgets should always use the widget color palette variables. In cases where using a variable is not possible, for example in an image, the HEX values from the palette should be used.

Color palette

Make sure color combinations are used that meets the WCAG 2 AA requirements. If unsure about a certain combination, please use a color contrast checker to validate.

  • Black * #202330
  • White #ffffff

= The color will pass WCAG 2 level AA contrast requirements as text on white (widget wrapper) background.

* = The color also passes contrast requirements if used as text on gray-05 (theme body) background.

Color palette CSS variable names

Color variables are named --env-dashboard-color-white, --env-dashboard-color-black and --env-dashboard-color-{colorName}-{variant}.

Available color names: red, pink,purple,deep-purple,indigo,blue,light-blue,cyan,teal,green,light-green,lime,yellow,orange,brown,gray

Available variants: 05, 20, 50, 90,

Color palette utility classes

Simple decoration of areas may be done using CSS classes. Each palette color has a background and a foreground classname.

Available classnames are env-dashboard-bg-color-{colorName}-{variant} where colorName and variant follow the same patterns as CSS variable names.

   class="env-dashboard-color-bg-purple-20 env-p-around--medium env-m-bottom--medium"
   This is a purple-20 area with default font color.
   class="env-dashboard-color-bg-purple-50 env-dashboard-color-txt-white env-p-around--medium"
   This is a purple-50 area with white font color.

Widget example

Chart widget example heading

 Legend line 1  Legend line 2

Y axis label

  • 1,200
  • 1,000
  • 800
  • 600
  • 400
Example chart

X axis label

  • 25 nov
  • 26 nov
  • 27 nov
  • 28 nov
  • 29 nov

Simplified code example

This example shows basic usage of CSS classes for headings, labels and more.

<section class="env-dashboard-widget">
   <h2 class="env-ui-text-sectionheading">
      Chart widget example heading
   <p class="env-ui-text-value">
      <span class="env-dashboard-color-txt-orange-50"></span> Legend line 1
      <span class="env-dashboard-color-txt-cyan-50"></span> Legend line 2
   <h3 class="env-ui-text-label">
      Y axis label
      <li class="env-ui-text-value">1,200</li>
   <canvas aria-label="Example chart, this text should tell the chart values for accessibility."
   <h3 class="env-ui-text-label">
      X axis label
      <li class="env-ui-text-value">25 nov</li>

Available Additional CSS variables

Palette Colors

  • --env-dashboard-color-black
  • --env-dashboard-color-white
  • --env-dashboard-color-red-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-red-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-red-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-red-90
  • --env-dashboard-color-pink-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-pink-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-pink-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-pink-90
  • --env-dashboard-color-purple-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-purple-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-purple-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-purple-90
  • --env-dashboard-color-deep-purple-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-deep-purple-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-deep-purple-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-deep-purple-90
  • --env-dashboard-color-indigo-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-indigo-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-indigo-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-indigo-90
  • --env-dashboard-color-blue-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-blue-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-blue-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-blue-90
  • --env-dashboard-color-light-blue-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-light-blue-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-light-blue-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-light-blue-90
  • --env-dashboard-color-cyan-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-cyan-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-cyan-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-cyan-90
  • --env-dashboard-color-teal-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-teal-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-teal-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-teal-90
  • --env-dashboard-color-green-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-green-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-green-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-green-90
  • --env-dashboard-color-light-green-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-light-green-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-light-green-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-light-green-90
  • --env-dashboard-color-lime-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-lime-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-lime-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-lime-90
  • --env-dashboard-color-yellow-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-yellow-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-yellow-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-yellow-90
  • --env-dashboard-color-orange-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-orange-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-orange-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-orange-90
  • --env-dashboard-color-brown-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-brown-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-brown-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-brown-90
  • --env-dashboard-color-gray-05
  • --env-dashboard-color-gray-20
  • --env-dashboard-color-gray-50
  • --env-dashboard-color-gray-90

Additional UI Texts

  • --env-ui-text-label-font-family
  • --env-ui-text-label-font-color
  • --env-ui-text-label-font-size
  • --env-ui-text-label-font-weight
  • --env-ui-text-label-text-transform
  • --env-ui-text-label-letter-spacing
  • --env-ui-text-value-font-family
  • --env-ui-text-value-font-color
  • --env-ui-text-value-font-size
  • --env-ui-text-value-font-weight
  • --env-ui-text-value-text-transform
  • --env-ui-text-value-letter-spacing
  • --env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-family
  • --env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-color
  • --env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-size
  • --env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-weight
  • --env-ui-text-kpi-number-text-transform
  • --env-ui-text-kpi-number-letter-spacing
  • --env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-size-x-small
  • --env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-size-small
  • --env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-size-medium
  • --env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-size-large
  • --env-ui-text-kpi-number-font-size-x-large