Use Cards to display information about, for example, a page, a group or a user.
A Card is a simple container that may have a header and a footer.
A Card has no colors or shadows of its own. To add colors and shadows
you may instead combine the env-block
and env-shadow
If used inside a Cardholder the Card will stretch its width and height to make a nice aligned grid of cards.
<div class="example-demo-dark">
class="example-card env-card env-ui-section env-border env-shadow-small"
<div class="env-card__header">
<h2 class="env-ui-text-subheading">Lorem Ipsumsson</h2>
<div class="env-card__body">
<p class="env-ui-text-caption">Web Developer</p>
<p class="env-ui-text-caption">
<a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary"></a>
<p class="env-ui-text-caption">
<a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary">012-345 67 89</a>
<div class="env-card__footer">
<p class="env-ui-text-caption">
<a href="#" class="env-link">Contact</a>
class="example-card env-card env-block-primary env-block-primary--border env-shadow-small"
<div class="env-card__body">
class="env-card__image env-profile-image env-profile-image--small"
alt="Example profile image"
<h2 class="env-ui-text-subheading">Lorem Ipsumsson</h2>
<p class="env-ui-text-caption">Job Title</p>
<p class="env-ui-text-caption">
<a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary"></a>
<p class="env-ui-text-caption">
<a href="#" class="env-link env-link-secondary">012-345 67 89</a>
class="example-card env-card env-block-secondary env-block-secondary--border env-shadow-small"
<div class="env-card__header">
<div class="env-media env-media--center">
<div class="env-media__figure">
<a href="#">
class="env-profile-image env-profile-image--small"
alt="Example profile image"
<div class="env-media__body env-text--small">
<p class="env-ui-text-caption">Open group • 29 members</p>
<p class="env-ui-text-caption">Latest activity 3 hours ago</p>
<h2 class="env-ui-text-subheading">Lorem ipsum dolor</h2>
<div class="env-card__body">
<p class="env-ui-text-caption">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent
eget lobortis dui, in accumsan augue.
<div class="env-card__footer env-text--small">
<a href="#" type="button" class="env-button env-button--link">
<svg class="env-icon env-icon--small env-m-right--xx-small">
<use href="/sitevision/envision-icons.svg#icon-phone"></use>
Card anatomy
A Card may have a header, a body and a footer: .env-card__header
, .env-card__body
, .env-card__footer
No matter HTML source order, header will always display first and footer last. The footer will always stick to the bottom of the Card. Inside a Cardholder, if the Card needs to stretch vertically, the body of the Card will be the element that stretches.
<div class="example-demo-dark">
<div class="example-card-parts env-card env-block env-shadow-small">
<div class="env-card__header">Header</div>
<div class="env-card__body">Body</div>
<div class="env-card__footer">Footer</div>