Ready to use components for your Sitevision projects.
The Accordion component toggles the visibility of content sections, allowing users to expand or collapse them.
The Alert component displays brief, important messages to users, with variations for success, warning, danger, and info alerts.
Use the Badge component to display small labels for status, notifications, or event counts.
Use breadcrumbs to display the user´s location within a site’s hierarchy, enhancing navigation.
Cards are simple containers for displaying information about pages, groups, or users.
The Collapse component toggles content visibility, allowing sections to expand or collapse as needed.
Use Dialog to present modal dialogs with customizable sizes, animations, and focus management.
Dropdowns displays a list of options that appears upon user interaction.
The Embedded component displays images and text with flexible layouts and overlay options.
The Icon component simplifies icon integration with customizable styles.
The Image Viewer component displays slideshows and lightbox galleries with navigation controls.
The List component displays items in vertical or horizontal layouts, with optional dividers.
The Media component is used to present user activity chronologically.
The Navigation component provides customizable menus for site navigation, including menubars and side navigation.
The News Item component presents news content with images and text in a structured layout.
The Pagination component provides accessible navigation for multi-page content, with customizable alignment and sizing options.
Popovers displays contextual overlays with customizable content, positioning, and trigger options.
The Profile Image component displays images with fixed or responsive sizes.
The Progress Indicator component displays progress with customizable colors, labels, and animations.
The Spinner component displays loading animations with standard or bounce styles and optional delays.
The Tab component organizes content into sections, displaying one panel at a time.
Use a Table to display data in rows and columns, with customizable styles and responsive layouts.
Use the Toast component to display brief, customizable notifications to inform users of system events.
Use Tooltip to display brief, informative messages when users hover over or focus on elements.