Basic colors
There are a few general colors that are used for
larger sections or less defined parts of components.
For example, --env-section-background-color
is used as background color for Modal dialogs.
- Theme/body background color--env-section-background-color
- Used for larger content sections.--env-section-background-color-05
- Base text color--env-link-font-color
- Base link color--env-link-hover-font-color
- Base link:hover color--env-border-color
- Base border color--env-border-color-05
- Alternative border color 2025.02.1
is calculated from --env-section-background-color
is calculated from --env-border-color
Font and link colors should have at least a 4.5:1 contrast ratio on --env-background-color
and --env-section-background-color
Depending on design and usage, it´s recommended to try to get at least a 4.5:1 contrast ratio on --env-section-background-color-05
as well.
is used outside the centered boxes.
<div class="example-fill example-basic-colors env-p-around--xx-large">
class="env-ui-section env-border env-border--05 env-p-around--large env-m-bottom--large"
<div class="env-text">
Base text on section background with a border 05 and
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="env-link">a link</a>.
<div class="env-ui-section-05 env-border env-p-around--large">
<div class="env-text">
Base text on section background 05, standard border and
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="env-link">a link</a>.
Legacy colors Deprecated
The following colors are deprecated and will be removed.
- env-bg-color--brand
- env-bg-color--success
- env-bg-color--info
- env-bg-color--warning
- env-bg-color--danger
- env-bg-color--hover
- env-bg-color--base
- env-bg-color--darker
- env-bg-color--dark
- env-bg-color--normal
- env-bg-color--light
- env-bg-color--lighter
- env-bg-color--lightest
- env-color--brand
- env-color--success
- env-color--info
- env-color--warning
- env-color--danger
- env-color--hover
- env-color--base
- env-color--darker
- env-color--dark
- env-color--normal
- env-color--light
- env-color--lighter
- env-color--lightest
- env-border-color-light 2025.02.1