Tag Select

Tag select is a JS alternative to <select> that allows you to create a nice looking multi-select with cross browser styling. A single select version is also available since Sitevision 2023.04.1.

Tag Select offers an API for creating interaction with the component.

Configuration and initialization

By default, Tag select will use the HTML markup to generate the data.

<div class="env-form-element">
   <label for="example-tag-select-1" class="env-form-element__label">Tag select</label>
   <div class="env-form-element__control">
      <select class="env-form-input" id="example-tag-select-1" aria-label="Tag select">
         <option value="">Select an item ...</option>
         <option value="item-1">Item</option>
         <option value="item-2">Item 2</option>
         <option value="item-3">Item 3</option>
         <option value="item-4">Item 4</option>

Initialize from script. You may pass any selector as a string, a DOM node or node list.

var tagSelect = envision.select('#example-tag-select-1');

Note: envision.select will return a Promise. Use the instance method .then() to access individual controls.

tagSelect.then(function (selects) {
   selects[0].addOptions({ value: 'newOption', text: 'New option' });

Single select 2023.04.1

Create a Single select by using a Tag select and set maxItems to 1. Note: Clear and remove buttons will not be available in a single select.

Use allowEmptyOption and sortField as in second example below to make behaviour similar to native select element.

<div class="env-form-element">
   <label for="example-tag-select-single-1" class="env-form-element__label">
      Tag select single
   <div class="env-form-element__control">
      <select class="env-form-input" id="example-tag-select-single-1" aria-label="Tag select single">
         <option value="">Select an item ...</option>
         <option value="item-1">Item</option>
         <option value="item-3">Item 3</option>
         <option value="item-2">Item 2</option>
         <option value="item-4">Item 4</option>

<div class="env-form-element">
   <label for="example-tag-select-single-2" class="env-form-element__label">
      Tag select single - native-like behaviour
   <div class="env-form-element__control">
      <select class="env-form-input" id="example-tag-select-single-2" aria-label="Tag select single - native-like behaviour">
         <option value="">Select an item ...</option>
         <option value="item-1">Item</option>
         <option value="item-3">Item 3</option>
         <option value="item-2">Item 2</option>
         <option value="item-4">Item 4</option>
var singleSelectExample1 = envision.select('#example-tag-select-single-1', {
   maxItems: 1,

var singleSelectExample2 = envision.select('#example-tag-select-single-2', {
   maxItems: 1,
   allowEmptyOption: true,
   sortField: [{ field: '$order' }, { field: '$score' }],


  • maxItems number

    • The max number of items the user can select.
    • Default value: null (unlimited)
    • Set to 1 to create a Single select.
  • create boolean

    • Allow adding new tags
    • Default value: false
  • createFilter RegExp | 'string' | function(input)

    • Specifies a RegExp or a string containing a regular expression that the current search filter must match to be allowed to be created. May also be a predicate function that takes the filter text and returns whether it is allowed.
  • clearButton boolean

    • Show clear all button
    • Default value: true
    • Not available in Single select
  • allowEmptyOption boolean since Sitevision 2023.04.1

    • Only available in Single select
    • Option with no value will be selectable if set to true.
    • Default value: false
  • placeholder 'string'

    • Use a custom placeholder.
    • Default: Will try to use option with empty value or placeholder attribute from HTML first.
  • dropdownParent 'string'

    • The element the dropdown menu is appended to.
    • Default: Will be appended as a child of the control.
  • options [{ value, text }]

    • Create a Tag select from custom dataset
    • By default this is populated from the original element.
  • maxOptions number since Sitevision 2022.10.1

    • Limits the number of visible options
    • Default value: null (unlimited)
  • items ['value']

    • An array of the initial selected values.
    • By default this is populated from the original element.
  • i18n 'sv' | 'en' | 'no' | { add, no_results, remove_button, clear_button }

    • Translation of remove button, clear button, add item and no results. Use predefined strings (swedish, english or norwegian) or write your own translation. Default is 'sv'.
  • load function(query, callback)

    • Loads options by invoking the provided function. The function should accept two arguments (query, callback) and should invoke the callback with the results once they are available.
  • preload boolean | 'string'

    • If true, the load function will be called upon control initialization with an empty search. Alternatively it can be set to 'focus' to call the load function when control receives focus.
  • labelField 'string'

    • The name of the property to render as an option / item label when loading remote data.
  • valueField 'string'

    • The name of the property to use as the value when loading remote data.
  • searchField 'string' | ['string']

    • A string or an array of property names to analyze when filtering options in remote data.
  • sortField 'string' | [object] | function(a, b) since Sitevision 2022.10.1

    • A string, an array of objects or a function to sort available options.
    • By default the the order is based on the current locale.
    • To disable sorting entirely and maintain the original order of options, use: sortField:[{field:'$order'},{field:'$score'}]
  • render object since Sitevision 2022.11.1

    • An object specifications for rendering.
    • Available options:
      • item function(data, escape)
      • option function(data, escape)
      • option_create function(data, escape)
      • no_results function(data, escape)
      • loading function(data, escape)
    • The escape argument is a function that takes a string and escapes all special HTML characters. This is very important to use to prevent XSS vulnerabilities.
  • onEventName function()

    • See Event handlers and Advanced example

Advanced examples

Options from JavaScript config

This example sets the options from the config. It will allow adding tags from the Tag Select itself, or from a separate input using the API.

<div class="env-form-element">
   <label for="example-tag-select-2" class="env-form-element__label">Advanced select</label>
   <div class="env-form-element__control">
      <input class="env-form-input" id="example-tag-select-2" />

<div class="env-form env-form--inline">
   <div class="env-form-element">
      <label for="country" class="env-form-element__label">Add tag using API</label>
      <div class="env-form-element__control">
         <input id="example-tag-select-2-tag" type="text" class="env-form-input" id="country" />
   <div class="env-form-element">
      <button id="example-tag-select-2-add" type="submit" class="env-button env-button--primary">
   .select('#example-tag-select-2', {
      maxItems: 5,
      placeholder: 'Select or add tags...',
      create: true, // Allow creating tags
      render: {
         item: (data, escape) =>
               <svg class="env-icon env-m-right--x-small"><use xlink:href="/sitevision/envision-icons.svg#icon-check-line"></use></svg>
      items: ['fruit01'], // Preselect one existing option
      options: [
         // Populate options
            value: 'fruit01',
            text: 'Apple',
            value: 'fruit02',
            text: 'Banana',
            value: 'fruit03',
            text: 'Grapefruit',
            value: 'fruit04',
            text: 'Lemon',
            value: 'fruit05',
            text: 'Pear',
      onOptionAdd: function (value, data) {
         // Event handler, runs when option is added
         console.log('Added:', value, data);
   .then((selects) => {
         .addEventListener('click', function () {
            var val = document.getElementById('example-tag-select-2-tag').value;
               value: val,
               text: val,

Options from remote data API

This example fetches repository names from github. It will preload some popular names on page load. The data does not follow the Tag Select naming standards so value-/label-/search-/sortField must be defined.

<div class="env-form-element">
   <label for="example-tag-select-3" class="env-form-element__label">Remote data</label>
   <div class="env-form-element__control">
      <input class="env-form-input" id="example-tag-select-3" />
envision.select('#example-tag-select-3', {
   maxItems: 5,
   placeholder: 'Select a Github repository...',
   i18n: 'en',
   valueField: 'url',
   labelField: 'name',
   searchField: ['name'],
   sortField: [{ field: 'name', direction: 'desc' }],
   preload: true,
   load: function (query, callback) {
      query = query || 'sitevision';
      var url =
         'https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=' +
         .then((response) => response.json())
         .then((json) => {
         .catch(() => {



A Tag Select may be disabled by adding the disabled attribute in the HTML. When disabled, the control can not receive focus.

<div class="env-form-element">
   <label for="example-tag-select-4" class="env-form-element__label">
   <div class="env-form-element__control">
         class="env-form-input example-tag-select"
         <option value="">Select an item...</option>
         <option value="item1" selected>Item</option>
         <option value="item2">Item 2</option>


A Tag Select may be locked by adding the class env-select--locked to the <input> or <select>, or by using functions described in the API section.

Locked disables user input on the control, but the control can still receive focus.

Note: The readonly attribute is not supported or relevant to the Tag Select component. An input with the readonly attribute will be locked.

<div class="env-form-element">
   <label for="example-tag-select-6" class="env-form-element__label">
   <div class="env-form-element__control">
         class="env-select--locked env-form-input example-tag-select"
         <option value="">Select an item...</option>
         <option value="item1" selected>Item</option>
         <option value="item2">Item 2</option>

<div class="env-form-element">
   <label for="example-tag-select-5" class="env-form-element__label">
      Locked (readonly)
   <div class="env-form-element__control">
         class="example-tag-select env-form-input"
         placeholder="Select an item..."

Event handlers

  • onInitialize function() { ... }

    • Invoked once the control is completely initialized.
  • onChange function(value) { ... }

    • Invoked when the value of the control changes.
  • onItemAdd function(value, $item) { ... }

    • Invoked when an item is selected.
  • onItemRemove function(value) { ... }

    • Invoked when an item is deselected.
  • onClear function() { ... }

    • Invoked when the control is manually cleared via the clear() method.
  • onOptionAdd function(value, data) { ... }

    • Invoked when a new option is added to the available options list.
  • onOptionRemove function(value) { ... }

    • Invoked when an option is removed from the available options.
  • onOptionClear function() { ... }

    • Invoked when all options are removed from the control.
  • onDropdownOpen function(dropdown) { ... }

    • Invoked when the dropdown opens.
  • onDropdownClose function(dropdown) { ... }

    • Invoked when the dropdown closes.
  • onType function(str) { ... }

    • Invoked when the user types while filtering options.
  • onFocus function() { ... }

    • Invoked when the control gains focus.
  • onBlur function() { ... }

    • Invoked when the control loses focus.
  • onLoad function() { ... }

    • Invoked when new options have been loaded and added to the control via the load option.

API functions

Instances of Tag Select may be controlled by the methods described below.

envision.select('#tag-select').then(function (selects) {
   selects[0].addOptions({ value: 'test' });


  • addOptions(data)

    • Adds an available option, or array of options. If it already exists, nothing will happen. Note: this does not refresh the options list dropdown (use refreshOptions() for that).
  • getOption(value)

    • Retrieves the dom element for the option identified by the given value.
  • updateOption(value, data)

    • Updates an option available for selection. If it is visible in the selected items or options dropdown, it will be re-rendered automatically.
  • removeOption(value)

    • Removes the option identified by the given value.
  • refreshOptions(triggerDropdown)

    • Refreshes the list of available options shown in the autocomplete dropdown menu.
  • load(query)

    • Invoked when new options should be loaded from the server. Called with the current query string.
  • open() since Sitevision 2022.11.1

    • Shows the autocomplete dropdown containing the available options.
  • close() since Sitevision 2022.11.1

    • Closes the autocomplete dropdown menu.
  • clear(silent) since Sitevision 2022.11.1

    • Resets / clears all selected items from the control. If silent is truthy, no change event will be fired on the original input.
  • clearOptions(clearFilter?) since Sitevision 2022.11.1

    • Removes all unselected options from the control. To clear selection options, call clear() before calling clearOptions().
  • clearFilter(option, value) since Sitevision 2022.11.1

    • Callback used by clearOptions() to decide whether or not an option should be removed. Return true to keep an option, false to remove


  • getItem(value)

    • Returns the dom element of the item matching the given value.
  • addItem(value, silent)

    • "Selects" an item. Adds it to the list at the current caret position. If silent is truthy, no change event will be fired on the original input.


  • getValue()

    • Returns the value of the control. If multiple items can be selected with a "select" input tag (e.g. <select multiple>), this returns an array. Otherwise, returns a string (separated by delimiter if "multiple").
  • setValue(value, silent)

    • Resets the selected items to the given value.
  • lock()

    • Disables user input on the control. The control can still receive focus.
  • unlock()

    • Re-enables user input on the control.
  • disable()

    • Disables user input on the control. The control can not receive focus.
  • enable()

    • Re-enables the control.
  • destroy()

    • Destroys the control and unbinds event listeners so that it can be garbage collected.
  • focus() since Sitevision 2023.01.1

    • Focuses the control.
  • blur() since Sitevision 2023.01.1

    • Blurs the control.